Emma Gullström

Name: Emma Gullström
Profession: Content creator for social media and stylist
Brief background: Studied marketing and business administration and worked as Head of Branding and Business Development at Isabella Löwengrip, also worked as a consultant in brand strategy and content creation.
Residence: Apartment in Stockholm, Sweden
Family: Daughter Billie and partner Joseph
Current focus: On maternity leave with Billie, 5 months old
Instagram: @ofemma

You have been a new mom for five months now, how do you think life has changed?

Life has truly changed, yet it barely feels noticeable because it feels so natural. The change is definitely for the better. For me, children are the meaning of life; we adults have so much to learn from the little ones that we've lost along the way. Seeing the world through a child's eyes is magical.


How did you experience your pregnancy?

Unfortunately, my pregnancy was horrible; I was extremely nauseous and had pregnancy migraines almost the entire time. By week 30, it started to ease, but then came pelvic girdle pain and painful varicose veins instead. I definitely want more children in the future, but I am very afraid of going through such a pregnancy again. I was on sick leave and could barely do anything, I completely lost myself. But it was worth it, I can say that in hindsight with my daughter in my arms.

What are three things you don't want to be without as a new mom?

A really comfortable nursing bra that you can wear around the clock is a must, as well as comfortable, preferably loose-fitting, clothes that are easy to nurse in. For me, the first few months were about making everyday life as easy and comfortable as possible so that all the focus could go to the new little person. The last and perhaps most important thing I would say you need as a new mom is a supportive partner. If you have a child alone, maybe you have a mom, dad, or friend who can be there. Being pregnant and going through childbirth is an incredible transition, with hormones and emotions flowing; having someone there to support, cheer, or just listen was incredibly important for me.

You have just returned from your first trip with Billie. What was the biggest challenge and/or surprise about traveling with a small child?

Traveling with Billie went beyond expectations, but it required a lot of planning and trying to anticipate the unpredictable so you’re prepared. I try to avoid unnecessary stress, and with some planning, you can go a long way. I guess I also have a bit of a control freak in me, hehe. But if something goes wrong, which happens, you just have to accept it and make the best of it. I must say, you become very resourceful as a parent! If I had to mention a challenge, it would be packing light while still bringing everything you need—it feels like an impossible equation, but we solved it by adding a checked baggage.

What are your best packing tips for a summer vacation with a baby?

The sun is so strong for the little ones, so a UV-protected umbrella, UV blanket, UV cap with neck cover, cool cotton clothes, and rehydration solution are some important things. If you’re flying, I found a baby carrier or wrap to be very handy. Something that’s often forgotten when flying is a change of clothes for yourself—it’s easy to get a little spit-up on your lap, and then it’s nice to have a change. And for the mom, a cool dress with a nursing function is a real hit!


Do you have any special places you're looking forward to showing your child?

I grew up in Mallorca, so that island has a very special meaning for me. I want to take Billie there and show her all the beautiful nature. But then it will also be incredible to show Billie Sweden—we have incredibly beautiful nature here too. The Swedish archipelago is hard to beat!

You and your partner Joseph, who is a photographer, often work together. How has your collaboration been affected by having a child?

We’ve become even more cohesive, I’d say. We have so much fun together and share a lot of ideas. Now with a child, we’ve become better at listening to each other. We live more in symbiosis now than before, and sure, we are incredibly tired with only a few hours of sleep, but so far, we haven't taken it out on each other, haha. I hope we never start doing that!

With a background as a stylist, how did you approach clothing during pregnancy?

I tried to think long-term, that the maternity clothes I bought would also work when the belly was gone. My uniform during pregnancy was comfortable pants or tights and an oversized shirt, as well as dresses. I still wear all those clothes; for example, right now, as I’m writing this, I’m sitting in Boob’s maternity tights—they are incredibly comfortable and still look nice!

What does sustainability mean to you?

Thinking long-term and having a circular mindset. If you’re tired of a garment, sell it or give it to a friend. I’ve also become much better at looking at materials—the better the material, the longer the garment lasts. I’ve been able to inherit some of my mom’s old clothes that she had at my age, and it’s so cool. It’s about taking care of the clothes; I want to get better at sewing, for example. Right now, my grandmother helps me mend clothes that have torn seams or such. My goal is to be able to do it myself so that I can mend Billie’s clothes when she starts running around and the clothes get worn out.

What do you hope to pass on to your child?

Hmm, big question! But I hope to pass on a curiosity, a curiosity about the world and people. I believe that much of the hatred we see today between groups is based on ignorance and fear. Understanding builds bridges, and to understand each other, we need to be curious.

What kind of world do you hope your child will grow up in?

Oh, there is so much bad happening in the world right now, it seems, so there is a lot to wish for. World peace would be nice—can I order that? I also wish for a cleaner world, with cleaner air and cleaner oceans.

What is at the top of your wish list?

Number one on that list will always be that Billie is healthy and happy. She was a bit under the weather for a few days recently, and there is nothing that hurts a mother’s heart more than seeing her little baby unwell.