Asabea Britton

Right now, I am on parental leave and a new mother of two. Most of my time is dedicated to that. I also keep active on my Instagram and blog, where I strive to educate and share my parenting journey. Model for Boob spring 2021. Raised in central Stockholm, but I have also lived for periods in Ghana, Ethiopia, and Uganda due to my parents' work. I had planned to become a doctor like my father and fought for a long time to get into medical school. Along the way, I discovered the midwifery profession, and I am so glad for that today; I believe it suits me better than being a doctor.

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Asabea, thank you so much for taking the time to talk to us during your maternity leave. You recently had your second child – how does it feel?

Great! Better than expected. The initial period with my little one has been much easier than with my eldest, and my older brother has been adjusting very well so far, which has made things a lot smoother.

You shared your home birth experience on social media with beautiful photos, videos, and heartfelt words. Can you tell us a bit about that experience and why you chose to share it with your followers?

It was an amazing experience to have full control over my birth. Being able to create my own conditions and let my body work undisturbed just as I wished was incredibly empowering for me.
I talk a lot about childbirth on my Instagram, so it felt natural for me to share my own experience. It felt especially important as my birth falls outside the Swedish norm, and I wanted to show that it's possible to do it this way too.

And speaking of sincerity, you're a strong advocate for women's health and every woman's right to a safe pregnancy and childbirth on their own terms. Why is this topic important to you, and is there something you think we should all know?

Pregnancy and childbirth are among the biggest and most transformative experiences a person can go through, something that shapes them throughout their lives. It affects not only the individual in the moment but also for a long time afterward, influencing their parenthood and, ultimately, their children. I believe we should treat this process with care and trust those giving birth and their ability to make decisions, regardless of how they choose to do it. I want power to be given to those giving birth, and for us in healthcare to be there to support them in their birth, to cater to individual needs rather than the norm. I think it would benefit not only the individual but also society as a whole.
I want everyone to know their right to claim their own birth.


As a midwife, what tips do you want to share with first-time parents who have their journey ahead?

Don't be afraid to dream and visualize how you want things to be, but keep an open mind and be prepared to reassess and reformulate goals over time. Be careful about which advice you take to heart. I know it can be difficult to trust your own instincts with your first child, but I encourage you to try, and if you can't, let the child show the way, listen to your child who knows what they need.

We were so glad that you, heavily pregnant, wanted to be a model for our new collection, thank you! What garments have been your favorites during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

From you, it has been nursing bras and underwear, they have served me well during two pregnancies and in between. And my two most used items after this pregnancy have been your maternity leggings and nursing bras.

As a mother of two, is there something you never leave the house without?

Not exactly because I'm quite forgetful. But I often bring a little snack for my eldest if his mood dips and the baby carrier for my little one.

We did an interview with you two years ago, when you had just become a mother for the first time. What have you learned about yourself now that you've had your second son?

I've learned that I have much more patience than I thought. I can be proud of myself as someone who used to have a short fuse earlier in life but has such a good ability to remain calm when it comes to my children. I've also learned, something I obviously knew before but have really seen firsthand, that all children are so different, and therefore you can't expect one way, one piece of advice, to work for all children.


What do you want to pass on to your children?

I want them to be empathetic, helpful, and generous individuals who dare to stand up for themselves while making room for others. I think the latter is especially important since I have sons. I want them to be confident in themselves so they can build secure relationships with others.

Read more about other mothers in the Moms We Love series here >