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Gabrielle Gaillard - Moms we love

Gabrielle Gaillard

Profession: Social Media & Project Manager for a clean skincare brand
Home Los Angeles, USA
Background: My mama is of Swedish/Cherokee origin & my father is German
Family: I have two incredible babies - Iowa (2 years) & Louie (5 months). They are 1/2 American and 1/2 French.
Right now: I am enjoying all the time I am fortunate to be able to spend with my babies and focusing on doing things I have been wanting to for a long time - like launching my own professional organizing business!
Instagram: @gaboucoup

You’re a mom of two living in California – what’s keeping you grounded these days?

It can definitely be a struggle to remember to do something for myself. I have realized that being outdoors / surrounded by nature improves my mental clarity & overall happiness. I feel very fortunate to live in a place where the weather is beautiful the majority of the time. I like to go for a solo hike, long walks with the babies around our neighborhood or go to the beach. Feeling a little sun and fresh air grounds & centers me.

How would you define yourself?

As a mama who is still figuring it all out! I learn a lot about myself each year and I notice I feel more and more like 'myself' as time goes on. I'm certainly still discovering things about me and about who I want to be, what legacy I will leave for my children & their children. Besides all the deep stuff, I think my family & friends would describe me as a generous, selfless & strong woman who always wants those around her to be laughing and feel genuinely loved.




What are your best styling tips for new or expectant mamas?

Wear what feels comfortable to you and that keeping it minimal is best! Know that a simple, black legging can go a long way! Dress your leggings up with a long, loose t-shirt or a button up and pair it with an oversized blazer/jacket for a chic on-the-go look.




How has your style evolved (if at all) since becoming a mom?

My style hasn't evolved too much. I still feel like I can dress as I did before if I really wanted to, but right now I am loving the oversized clothing and matching set looks. I used to just buy clothes without thinking of how they will last me or the impact they have on the environment and now I will purchase very specific, few items if I know I will wear them for decades and even maybe pass them along to my kids!




What’s your favorite piece from our SS21 collection?

So much to love! If I had to choose I would pick the 24/7 bikini. I love the fit and am super into wearing the bikini top as a sports bra. I like to pair the bikini top with the biker shorts and an oversized blazer. Throw on some sneakers and it's one of my favorite summer looks.




The one piece of advice you wish you were told before becoming a mama?

Travel, travel, travel! As much as you can! (Not saying you can't travel after having children, it is just a lot harder to travel with them or to even travel without them because you won't want to be apart from them!) Also, don't rush! Time is already rushing by and you will never get it back. Be present in every moment, take it all in and store it in the most precious part of your brain.

Read about other Moms We Love here >


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