Emily Salomon

Name: Emily Salomon
Profession: Blogger and creative consultant
Brief background: Bachelor's degree in literature with a major in modern cultural studies, blogging about lifestyle, personal style, food, travel, and culture for almost 10 years on emilysalomon.dk
Residence: Copenhagen, Denmark
Family: My husband, our son whom we are expecting at the end of July, and our Border Collie Penny
Instagram: @emilysalomon

What have you been thinking about most recently?

I didn't think much about it at the beginning of the pregnancy, but now I often wonder what our son will look like. Not in a vain way, but out of pure curiosity. Will he look like me or my husband, or will he be a mix of both of us? The same goes for his personality. I am really enjoying this final stage of the pregnancy and sometimes wish I could keep him in my belly, protected forever. Of course, I don't mean that literally, but as the due date approaches, I start to doubt my ability to take care of a newborn baby. As much as I look forward to meeting him, I'm also afraid of not being up to the task.

How has your pregnancy been so far?

Really good, I've had some morning sickness (or rather all-day and evening sickness), back pain, and heartburn, but overall I love being pregnant. I am in awe of the miracles my body is performing, and I am truly enjoying it. I think I will miss being pregnant, and I hope I am fortunate enough to experience it again in the future.


What's the best thing about living in Copenhagen?

That it's both a big and a small city at the same time and that it's surrounded by water. I love that you can swim in the harbor in Islands Brygge, where we live, all year round.

Tell us about your book "Bryllup," which was published last year.

It's a complete wedding guide with personal anecdotes and photos from four very different weddings (including my own). The book was incredibly fun to write, and it really fills a need (at least in Denmark). I would have loved to have such a book when I was getting married.


What do you think about style and clothing now that you're pregnant?

At the beginning, when my body changed, and I couldn't fit into my regular clothes, I was really perplexed. My breasts had become so large that I couldn't even wear my oversized shirts and dresses, which I had planned to wear during that period. But as soon as I found other options (including a fantastic pair of pants from Boob) and began to show my pregnancy, it somehow became easier. Now I just enjoy it. I prefer clothes that fit snugly and show off my baby bump, but above all, the clothes must be comfortable.

As a true book lover, which books are you looking forward to reading to your child?

First and foremost, I hope he inherits my passion for reading, and I believe he might if I read a lot to him as he grows up. I am really looking forward to reading "The Brothers Lionheart" and other books by Astrid Lindgren to him. Then there will probably be "Linnea in Monet's Garden" and "Linus Bakes and Cooks" (both by Christina Björk and Lena Anderson) since they are such great introductions to gardening and cooking.

What role do yoga and meditation play in your daily life?

They are indispensable and allow me to relax, truly listen to my body, and practice being fully present.

As a true breakfast lover, do you still have the same favorite breakfast now that you're pregnant?

Yes and no. During the first trimester, I was so nauseous in the mornings that fresh smoothies became my salvation. Then, when the nausea passed, bread, butter, and cheese became my big craving. Now, in the last part of the pregnancy, I get heartburn from the foods I really enjoy, like fresh fruit, especially citrus fruits.

Tell us three things you don't want to be without during pregnancy.

A good bra, water (I'm always thirsty), and during my first trimester: Hot dogs! Which was such a strange craving because I normally don't eat meat...

What do you hope to pass on to your child?

Compassion and love for nature. Being curious and enjoying both physical activity and reading. The understanding that comparison is often a thief of joy and that all people are equal, regardless of gender and origin.

What kind of world do you want your children to grow up in?

Less polluted and less frightening.

What's at the top of your wish list?

That our son is healthy and that I will be able to breastfeed him.
