Guide to our Nursing bras and Maternity bras

All women are different. Our curves and shapes make us unique, not least when we are pregnant, and many women outgrow their bra already at the beginning of pregnancy. We believe that buying a nursing bra that you can only use for a few months is a waste of both money and resources. This is why we have made flexible nursing bras and maternity bras that adapts to you and your bust size. And, that fits just as comfortably during pregnancy as nursing.

Which Nursing bra or Maternity bra should I choose?

Which model fits you best depends on a number of things. For example, the size of your breasts. If your bust is large, it is good to have a nursing bra that offers proper support and relief. If your breasts are small, a neater model may be the perfect choice. All our nursing bras and maternity bras are labelled soft, medium, firm or extra firm support to help you find the right one. Where you are going to wear your bra is also important. In the gym, the park or at home with your baby? There is a nursing bra for every need.    

Many mothers like wearing a nursing bra all the time. Day and night. You may like to have more than one bra, so that you always have a clean and dry one to change into.

If you need assistance in finding the right bra for you, please contact us at and we will happily help you!

Nursing bras - Soft support

Nursing bras - Medium support

Nursing bras - Firm support

Nursing bras - Extra Firm support